17 May 2011

Raise-a-Reader Writers’ Camp – July 21-24, 2011

Call for Workshop Proposals

Sponsored by UNBC and The Prince George Citizen

The RAR Writing Camp organizers are looking for workshop proposals from local writers, educators, and/or cultural workers. The workshops should be 1 – 3 hours but can consist of any number of activities, presentations, and interactions. The facilitator will be responsible for presenting the workshop twice, guiding two groups of 16 students, ages 15-18. The workshop should be writing-related but might involve a reading, workshopping student work, visual art, publishing, editing, genre discussion, field trips, performance, drama, tv/film, music, storytelling, collaboration, etc. No follow up contact with student will be required. The students attending the camp will be chosen during a region-wide contest. The camp will be held at the UNBC campus where there will be readings, films and other activities throughout the 3-day event.

The organizers will evaluate proposals on the basis of their content, organization, and fit with the camp as a whole. In your proposal please provide a brief bio and/or c.v. describing your training and background, a one-page outline of your proposed workshop, its goals and methods, and complete contact information.

Raise-a-Reader and its sponsors will pay $250 to each participating facilitator.

The deadline for submission is June 18, 2010.

For more information, please contact Rob Budde at rbudde@unbc.ca or 250-960-6693.

Send proposals, via email or standard mail, to:

Dr. Rob Budde
English Program UNBC
3333 University Way
Prince George BC   V2N 4Z9


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