25 February 2009

UNBC/Canada Reads Campaign 2009

Help us celebrate a truly Canadian cultural event!

Canada Reads is an annual "battle of the books" which takes place on CBC radio airing the week of March 2-6, 2009. Five prominent advocates defend their choice for the book that they believe all of Canada should read.

Once again the Geoffrey R. Weller Library is holding its own campaign. Five members of the UNBC community have each chosen a book that they believe all of UNBC should read. Reviewers include:

· Dr. Charles Jago campaigning for The Lost Garden by Helen Humphreys

· Dr. Lisa Dickson campaigning for The Wars by Timothy Findley

· Dr. Heather Smith campaigning for Fugitive Pieces by Anne Michaels

· Paul Burry campaigning for No Great Mischief by Alistair MacLeod

· Crystal Campbell campaigning for Finding Ft. George by Rob Budde

Each reviewer has prepared an argument hoping to win you over to their chosen book which you can find on the Library’s website. The chosen books have been placed on 1-week Reserve in the Library to give you an opportunity to read them for yourself.

And don’t forget that you can read the arguments and vote for the book that you think all of Canada should read by visiting the library’s website, http://library.unbc.ca/canadareads/unbcreads_main.asp, or dropping by the Circulation desk in the library.

Voting will take place throughout the rest of the semester and the UNBC winner will be announced on April 2nd.

**New This Year – Check Out the UNBC Reads Blog - Do you have an opinion on your choice of the five books? Is there a book that you would recommend as the book that all of UNBC should read? Have your say at the new UNBC Reads Blog found at http://web.unbc.ca/~gpotter/unbcreads/.

Watch the site for the UNBC Reads Debate vodcast coming soon!


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