31 March 2009

(flood basement

Jeremy Stewart's first book, (flood basement, is a young poet's search for and discovery of his place in the local landscape. The poet is haunted by the legacy of colonialism and propelled by the struggles of a community seeking its own identity. (flood basement is the raw, shocking and innocent journey of an emerging artist in a seemingly inflexible world. In this collection Stewart shares a collage of fragments that amount to a portrait of the Prince George of his youth, a transcription of a midnight audio journey, and an introspection of the fluctuating and sometimes fragile identity of the writer. Stewart's work pushes the boundaries of innovative and experimental poetry while weaving a visual narrative of the world in which he lives.

“Finally! Lyrics of outrageous displacements! Stewart’s experimental narrative text will bust up your tedious humdrum ideas! Poetry as subversion! (flood basement—buy this book, muthaflippas!” —Jake Kennedy

Please join Jeremy Stewart as he launches his
book of poetry, (flood basement, at Books and
Company (1685 3rd avenue) in Prince George on
Wednesday, April 15 at 7:00pm.


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