24 June 2012

The third annual 
Rural Writers In Residence Retreat 
will be held just outside Smithers, at the Banner Mountain Lodge
September 27-30.

This year we have three featured presenters who will be offering workshops and small group coaching:

  • Rob Budde -- Poetry
  • Maggie de Vries -- Non-fiction
  • Betsy Trumpener -- Fiction
In addition, Vici Johnstone of Caitlin Press will offer a workshop on getting published, and Lynn Shervill of Creekstone Press will meet one-on-one with authors to give editorial advice.

The best deal in the North, you get three days sequestered with other writers in a beautiful setting, lunches and dinners, accommodation, and all the workshops, for a mere $295. (That's the early Bird Rate if you register before July 13th. Otherwise it's $345)  BC Federation of Writers members get $25 off either way.

Come to our website at http://ruralwriters.wordpress.com  <http://ruralwriters.wordpress.com> to learn more!  And don't hesitate to forward this to other northern writers you think might be interested!

22 June 2012

12 June 2012

Call for Submissions: 
Special Issue of filling Station magazine on Northern B.C. Writing

filling Station is soliciting submissions of poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction, and visual art for a special issue on Northern B.C. Writing to be guest-edited by Jason Wiens. The magazine also encourages reviews of recent publications by Northern B.C. writers. The filling Station collective will vet and select submissions with a planned publication date in early 2013. Please send electronic submissions complete with short bio and mailing address by 1 October 2012 to Jason Wiens at jlwiens@ucalgary.ca with fS NORTHERN BC ISSUE in the subject, or hard copy submissions to:

Jason Wiens
Department of English
University of Calgary
2500 University Drive NW
Calgary, Alberta
T2N 1N4

Submission Guidelines:

– Appropriateness: At filling Station, more original or innovative submissions tend to be favoured for publication. filling Station does not accept submissions that are racist, misogynist, and/or homophobic.

– Replies and Publication Timing: Please leave 3-4 months for the process of reply. After your work is reviewed by our Collective, you will receive an email from an editor to let you know if your work has been selected for publication.

– Genre-Specific Instructions:

Fiction: Submit up to 10 pages. We receive any of the following fiction, or a combination thereof: flash fiction, postcard fiction, short fiction, experimental fiction, or a novel excerpt that can stand alone. A submission lacking mailing address and/or bio will be considered incomplete.

Poetry: Submit up to 6 pages. A submission lacking mailing address and/or bio will be considered incomplete.

Creative Non-Fiction & Non-Fiction: Submit up to 2 pieces of any kind. This includes interviews, articles, book reviews, and creative non-fiction. A submission lacking mailing address and/or bio will be considered incomplete.

Art: Submit lower res samples with a short bio or artist’s statement; if interested, we will request pieces or additional work in 300dpi or greater via Drop Box or similar. A submission lacking mailing address and/or bio will be considered incomplete.

05 June 2012

Raise a Reader Youth Writing Camp Facilitators Needed

Call for Workshop Proposals

Sponsored by UNBC and The Prince George Citizen

The 3rd Annual Raise a Reader Youth Writing Camp at UNBC will be held July 26-29, 2012. The RAR Writing Camp organizers are looking for workshop proposals from local writers, educators, and/or cultural workers. The workshops should be 1 – 2 hours but can consist of any number of activities, presentations, and interactions. Because of the age group, it should involve the students actively participating. The workshop should be writing-related but might involve a reading, workshopping student work, visual art, publishing, editing, genre discussion, field trips, performance, drama, tv/film, music, storytelling, collaboration, etc. No follow up contact with student will be required. The students attending the camp will be chosen in a region-wide contest. The camp will be held at the UNBC campus where there will be readings, films and other activities throughout the 3-day event.

The organizers will evaluate proposals on the basis of their content, organization, and fit with the camp as a whole. In your proposal please provide a brief bio and/or c.v. describing your training and background, a one-page outline of your proposed workshop, its goals and methods, and complete contact information.

Raise-a-Reader and its sponsors will pay $250 to each participating facilitator.

The deadline for submission is June 25, 2012.

For more information, please contact Rob Budde at rbudde@unbc.caor 250-960-6693.

Send proposals, via email or standard mail, to:

Dr. Rob Budde
English Program UNBC
3333 University Way
Prince George BC   V2N 4Z9