21 October 2006


rob mclennan and Stephen Brockwell
11:30 a.m.
Thursday, November 2
UNBC (Room 7-152)

rob mclennan currently lives in Ottawa. The author of ten previous poetry collections, he has two more forthcoming: name, an errant (2006, Stride: UK) and The Ottawa City Project (2007, Chaudiere Books: Ottawa). He has a number of recent chapbooks, including g h o s t s (Furniture Press: Columbus, Ohio), common knowledge (Pooka Press: Vancouver), & carnage (As We Try & Sleep: Winnipeg) & his poetry, fiction & critical work has appeared in over one hundred journals and anthologies in ten countries & three languages. The editor/publisher of above/ground press and the longpoem magazine STANZAS (both founded in 1993), he edits the cauldron books series through Broken Jaw Press, has edited sections of Australia’s online Jacket magazine, and recently became an editor of the American on-line journal Drunken Boat. He edits the online journal Poetics.ca (with Ottawa poet Stephen Brockwell).

(above photo by Stephen Brockwell)

Stephen Brockwell lives in Ottawa. He is the author of The Wire in Fences, The Cometology (ECW Press, 2001) and Fruit Fly Geographic (ECW Press, 2004). He has written reviews and articles for The Danforth Review, Rubicon and Books in Canada. Recent work has appeared in Arc, Prairie Fire, the Fiddlehead, the Antigonish Review, and Queen St Quarterly.

17 October 2006

Please join us for a special evening of readings by authors, Al Rempel and Leanne Boschman, featuring their work from Half in the Sun.

This anthology ends the collective invisibility of British Columbia’s Mennonite writers in a very decisive way. The authors represented in Half in the Sun are BC writers who share a history rooted in a dark region littered with stories of repeated migration, Soviet terror, displacement and resettlement. Some bear witness to their ancestors’ struggles as marked people and as refugees assimilating into Canadian culture. Others have woven together texts that bring to light the human experiences of old and new home, community, family, love, faith, rebellion, and explorations of a very large world—often with gusto, humour and irony. Everyone will recognize the universality of these experiences.

“To create an anthology is to build an ark out of words: Half in the Sun is both a home for memory and a means of navigating risky waters. The impress of Mennonite history and culture is strong in these poems and stories, and yet there is abundant room, on this ark, for all of us in the abiding community of readers.” —Janice Kulyk Keefer

Art Space 1685 Third Avenue,
Prince George
Saturday, November 4, 7:30 p.m.
For local information contact Books & Co. 563-6637
For publisher’s information contact Ronsdale Press: 604-738-4688 | ronsdale@shaw.ca