22 October 2008

Saturday, November 8 at 7 PM.
Books and Company
Prince George

A Burning Cold Book Launch
with the North's Hottest Writers.
One night. Two Book Launches. Five Voices.

Hosted by ReLit Poetry Award Winner Gillian Wigmore

Two books to be launched:

Mother Tongue Publishing launches Rocksalt: An anthology of contemporary BC poetry, new poetry
and poetics from 108 BC poets

Caitlin Press launches Betsy Trumpener's first story collection, The Butcher of Penetang

“Life is a series of moments, and Betsy Trumpener has captured
them beautifully in this stunning debut. Every sentence is poetry;
every story a brief, vivid and unforgettable snapshot. Trumpener’s
use of language astounds-with few words, she evokes so much.”
-Marsha Lederman

“This is wicked writing, clean and tough and tender. Trumpener’s
stories trap wild things live and let them go inside you.”
- John Gould

“These stories have it all: laughter, pain, a newborn’s naked breath,
the lonely shock of death. Exquisitely crafted glimpses into the
beauty of our fragile human lives.”
- Susan Musgrave

“Betsy Trumpener is a connoisseur of the strange, vivid moments that
slip under most of our radars, and she has a rare gift for breathing
life into them. These are disturbing, alluring, trenchant stories that
pack a wallop wholly disproportionate to their brevity. A reporter’s
eye, a poet’s tongue, and the gloves-off fists of a prize-fighter: meet
Betsy Trumpener. You won’t forget her.”
- Bill Richardson

06 October 2008

Two UNBC Readings

“Understanding Bolivia:
a Traveler’s History”

a reading by
Vivien Lougheed

Vivien, a long time resident of Prince George, started her life of exploration when she got her first bicycle. She graduated to mountain hiking and finally exploring countries such as Tibet, China, Guatemala and Iran. When she met her writing husband John Harris, (who taught her how to write!) she began sharing her experiences in newspaper and magazine articles and finally in books.

Vivien will read from her latest book Understanding Bolivia: a Traveler's History, and from Forbidden Mountains, a story about her illegal journey through Tibet. She will also read from works of fiction published in Geist Magazine and other literary journals.

Monday, October 20th, 2008,
10:00 - 11: 50 a.m.- AGO 7-158

a reading by
John Harris

John Harris has published three books of short
stories and one novel, Above the Falls (2007). Two
monographs, on Tom Wayman and
George Bowering, have appeared through ECW
Press, and other literary criticism has been
published in ECW, Vancouver Review and
dooneyscafe. He is married to Vivien Lougheed,
travel-adventure writer.

Monday, November 10th, 2008,
10:00 - 11: 50 a.m. – AGO 7-158
Please come join us! Everyone Welcome

Sponsored by the UNBC English Program
For more information contact: Dr. Dee Horne @ 960-6641