"What I am trying to do in my own writing is to produce an experience of language as a social material, evoking, in the process, material facts about language and rhythms within language that each of us knows as well as our own breath or the thud of our heart or the viscosity of our saliva. Such writing is often accused of being obscure, difficult, inaccessible, but this may be because preconceptions about what poetry should be like block out the very real experiences possible with language not tethered to stylistic conventions." -- Charles Bernstein
the culture mill
th latitude of northern arts and culture
drive north;
no, further...
19 May 2011
17 May 2011
Raise-a-Reader Writers’ Camp – July 21-24, 2011
Call for Workshop Proposals
Sponsored by UNBC and The Prince George Citizen
The RAR Writing Camp organizers are looking for workshop proposals from local writers, educators, and/or cultural workers. The workshops should be 1 – 3 hours but can consist of any number of activities, presentations, and interactions. The facilitator will be responsible for presenting the workshop twice, guiding two groups of 16 students, ages 15-18. The workshop should be writing-related but might involve a reading, workshopping student work, visual art, publishing, editing, genre discussion, field trips, performance, drama, tv/film, music, storytelling, collaboration, etc. No follow up contact with student will be required. The students attending the camp will be chosen during a region-wide contest. The camp will be held at the UNBC campus where there will be readings, films and other activities throughout the 3-day event.
The organizers will evaluate proposals on the basis of their content, organization, and fit with the camp as a whole. In your proposal please provide a brief bio and/or c.v. describing your training and background, a one-page outline of your proposed workshop, its goals and methods, and complete contact information.
Raise-a-Reader and its sponsors will pay $250 to each participating facilitator.
The deadline for submission is June 18, 2010.
For more information, please contact Rob Budde at rbudde@unbc.ca or 250-960-6693.
Send proposals, via email or standard mail, to:
Dr. Rob Budde
English Program UNBC
3333 University Way
Prince George BC V2N 4Z9